Let's take defaultas an example to configure the pot settings
Unique Identifier for Your Pot:
Start by naming your pot under a unique identifier like deault. This makes it easy to reference and customize later on.
Set the Maximum Water Storage Capacity:
Use max-water-storage to define how much water your pot can store. For instance, setting it to 5 means the pot can hold up to five units of water. This ensures your plants have enough hydration between waterings.
# Maximum capacity for storing water in the pot
storage: 5
Customize the Potβs Basic Appearance:
The base section allows you to define the visual look of your pot under different conditions:
dry: The model ID used when the pot is dry, showing that it needs water.
wet: The model ID when the pot is hydrated and moist.
These settings add a visual cue to the player, making it easy to see at a glance whether the pot needs watering.
# Basic settings for pot appearance and behavior
# Models for the pot's appearance
dry: dry_pot # Model ID when the pot is dry
wet: wet_pot # Model ID when the pot is wet
Control Potβs Interaction with the Environment:
absorb-rainwater: Set to true if you want your pot to automatically absorb water from rain, keeping it moist without manual watering.
absorb-nearby-water: Set to false to prevent the pot from absorbing water from nearby water sources. This setting ensures that your pot only gets watered when intended.
# Determines if the pot absorbs rainwater when it rains
absorb-rainwater: true
# Determines if water from nearby sources can wet the pot
absorb-nearby-water: false
Control Pot's Tick Mode
# Sometimes you may have multiple pots configured,
# and you want the pots to have different tick modes.
# You can change the tick mode to ALL in config.yml
# and then configure it separately here.
ignore-random-tick: false
ignore-scheduled-tick: true
Manage Fertilizer Application:
The max-fertilizers parameter controls how many units of fertilizer can be applied to a pot at once. Setting it to 1 limits it to a single application, helping prevent over-fertilization which could harm the plants. For the moment it's recommended to keep it 1 as the hologram would show at most one fertilizer at the same time.
# Maximum number of fertilizers that can be applied to the pot
max-fertilizers: 1
Define Custom Appearances for Fertilized Pots:
Under fertilized-pots, you can set unique models for pots based on different fertilizer effects. Each type (e.g., quality, yield_increase, variation, soil_retain, speed_grow) can have distinct dry and wet appearances. This customization adds depth, visually reflecting the benefits of different fertilizers applied to the pot.
# Custom appearances for pots with different fertilizer effects
dry: dry_pot # Model ID for dry pot with 'quality' fertilizer effect
wet: wet_pot # Model ID for wet pot with 'quality' fertilizer effect
dry: dry_pot # Model ID for dry pot with 'yield increase' fertilizer effect
wet: wet_pot # Model ID for wet pot with 'yield increase' fertilizer effect
dry: dry_pot # Model ID for dry pot with 'variation' fertilizer effect
wet: wet_pot # Model ID for wet pot with 'variation' fertilizer effect
dry: dry_pot # Model ID for dry pot with 'soil retain' fertilizer effect
wet: wet_pot # Model ID for wet pot with 'soil retain' fertilizer effect
dry: dry_pot # Model ID for dry pot with 'speed grow' fertilizer effect
wet: wet_pot # Model ID for wet pot with 'speed grow' fertilizer effect
Configure Water Refill Methods:
The fill-method section allows you to define various methods for refilling the pot with water:
Method 1: Using a WATER_BUCKET adds 3 units of water. Upon refilling, the player receives an empty BUCKET.
Method 2: Using a POTION adds 1 unit of water and returns a GLASS_BOTTLE.
Both methods include actions like playing a sound (minecraft:item.bucket.fill or minecraft:item.bottle.fill) and a hand-swing animation to provide feedback during the refill process.
# Methods available to refill the watering can with water
# Customizable refill method 1
# Item required to refill
# Item returned after refilling (optional)
return: BUCKET
# Amount of water added with this method
amount: 3
# Sound effect to play when refilling
type: sound
source: player
key: minecraft:item.bucket.fill
volume: 1
pitch: 1
# Action of swinging hand during refill
type: swing-hand
value: true
# Customizable refill method 2
item: POTION
amount: 1
type: sound
source: player
key: minecraft:item.bottle.fill
volume: 1
pitch: 1
type: swing-hand
value: true
Customize the Water Level Display Bar:
The water-bar configuration allows you to create a unique visual indicator for the water level using custom characters. This display provides a quick and visually appealing way to check how much water is left in the can.
# Configuration for the water level display bar
left: 'λ' # Left cap of the water bar
full: 'λλ' # Segment representing full water level
empty: 'λλ' # Segment representing empty water level
right: 'λλ ' # Right cap of the water bar
Set Up Events:
The events section is where the real magic happens. Here, you define how the game responds to different interactions with the pots. Available events: place/break/interact/tick/reach_limitation/add_water/full/max_fertilizers
# Event settings to handle interactions and effects
type: particle
particle: WATER_SPLASH # Particle effect when water is added
x: 0.5
y: 1.3
z: 0.5
count: 5
offset-x: 0.3
offset-z: 0.3
# Action to display a hologram when holding a specified item
type: conditional
type: item-in-hand
amount: 1
item: soil_surveyor
# Display hologram for fertilizer status if fertilizer exists
type: conditional
type: fertilizer
has: true
type: hologram
duration: 20 # Duration the hologram remains visible
text: '<font:customcrops:default>{icon}</font> {left_times}/{max_times}'
apply-correction: true
x: 0.5
y: 0.83
z: 0.5
visible-to-all: false
# Display hologram showing current water level in the pot
type: hologram
duration: 20 # Duration the hologram remains visible
text: '<font:customcrops:default>{water_bar}</font>'
apply-correction: true
x: 0.5
y: 0.6
z: 0.5
visible-to-all: false
Set Up Requirements:
Under requirements, you can configure the conditions player have to meet before using the pot. Available events: break/place/use