Common Questions

Q1: My nameplate/bubble are flickering | Background/Images has overlapping shadows

This is a problem caused by that the shader is not properly applied to your resource pack. This usually happens when you are using ItemsAdder/Oraxen because they also have their own shaders. The only way to resolve that is merging the shaders. But don't worry about that, CustomNameplates provides some options for you to easily merge some common shaders, you can enable them in config.yml. After that what you need to do is replacing the core shaders in the resource pack that would be sent to the players.

If you are using ItemsAdder, you can disable text-effects in config.yml (ItemsAdder's config)

    enabled: false

If you are using HappyHud/BetterHud, you can manually merge the shader by adding these codes to the shader generated by that plugin. (Note: Considering the convenience for users to merge, this is only a part of the code for the nameplate shader. Only 80% of the shader functions can be guaranteed for normal use. To make them 100% compatible you have to manually merge the full shader which would be harder)


if ( == vec3(255., 254., 253.) / 255.) {
    pos.y += 1;
    pos.x += 1;
} else if ( == vec3(254., 254., 254.) / 255.) {
    pos.z -= 0.001;
} else if ( == vec3(253., 254., 254.) / 255.) {
    pos.z -= 0.0011;


if ( == vec3(255., 254., 253.) / 255.) {
    pos.y += 1;
    pos.x += 1;
} else if ( == vec3(254., 254., 254.) / 255.) {
    pos.x *= 1.001;
    pos.z *= 1.001;
} else if ( == vec3(253., 254., 254.) / 255.) {
    pos.x *= 1.001001;
    pos.z *= 1.001001;

Q2: How to configure the plugin

To configure bossbar

To configure actionbar

To get more condition types

To edit the text that placeholders return

To create nameplates and nametags

To create bubbles

To create backgrounds

To create images

Q3: Purple bossbars

The default bossbar in plugin should be Yellow. If you see a purple bossbar, it's a bug in Lunar Client.

Q4: My console throws error when using "&"

We no longer recommend using any of the older color symbols, they were deprecated as early as 1.8, however SpigotAPI still uses them. Until 1.16, more and more functions were based on components, and the old version of color codes could no longer meet the functional requirements.

If you insists on using that, please enable "legacy-color-code-support" in config.yml.

Q5: How to get resource packs

The resource is automatically generated and it's located at /plugins/CustomNameplates/ResourcePack

Q6: Plugin dependencies / Console spam / Nameplate is longer than player's name

ProtocolLib PlaceholderAPI + Player Expansion

If you don't install Player expansion you might meet console spam like this

Q7: I can't see the nameplate

There are many plugins using team to make Tab list/Player glowing. So some plugins are not compatible with CustomNameplates' Team mode. If you don't use team mode, don't worry about it, just set player's name tag invisible in that plugin.

Q8: How to use Images from ItemsAdder/Oraxen

You should surround your images with font tags for instance

<font:minecraft:default> Image </font>  # Don't forget to close the tag

Q9: The background doesn't fit the text

This is because the plugin doesn't know the width of your custom images. If you register the image in CustomNameplates, just type in the width of the image in the YAML file. If you are using another plugin for instance ItemsAdder to create new images, you should input your images' width at /configs/font-width-data.yml.

  default: 8
    - unifont
    - nonlatin_european
    - accented
    - ascii
  # The values here would override the same character in the template
    默: 8               # Input the character here
    %placeholder%: 17   # Input the placeholder here

Q10: I want to move the image down/up

You can't move the image down/up from CustomNameplates side if you are using an image from other plugins. Actually it's easy to fix that because in those plugins they provide an option to edit the image's ascent (In ItemsAdder it's called y_position)

Q11: I'm using a custom ascii.png font

If you are using a custom font through ascii.png, just put it into plugin's /font folder and override the previous one. Then delete the /cache subfolder from the /font folder. At last, restart the server.

Q12: Shader reloading failed on 1.17-1.18 clients

It's time to ditch the old version, but if you insist I can't stop you.

locate this line at rendertype_text.vsh

vertexDistance = fog_distance(ModelViewMat, IViewRotMat * Position, FogShape);

then replace it with

vertexDistance = length((ModelViewMat * vec4(Position, 1.0)).xyz);

Q13: I saw other player's nameplate in tab

This is a vanilla team limit. There are two ways to resolve that method 1: install a tab plugin method 2: enable "fix-Tab" option in nameplate.yml

Q14: Players can't use bubbles/ can't see bossbar/actionbar

You should give them permission "bubbles.use"/""/"" firstly

Q15: Bubbles are too high/low

Open /configs/bubbles.yml

# This decides where the bottom line is
bottom-line-Y-offset: 0.4

Q16: All the players' tags are changing wrongly together

This is often caused by all the players being in the same team. This would only happen if any other plugin creates real team for players. So I can't tell which plugin is doing that. If your players are in a team called "CallisionRulexxxx", it's probably a problem caused by paper config

  enable-player-collisions: true  # Enable this in paper-global.yml

Q17: What's the black square?

This is caused by ItemsAdder hud. Just disable ItemsAdder's in config.yml

  enabled: false
    enabled: false
    color: '#FFFFFF'

Last updated