Plugin provides a powerful condition system. You can use both simple conditions and advanced conditions at the same time. Here are some examples for you to learn conditions.
Advanced condition allows you to use more conditions with the same type in one section
advanced condition (Allows you to use the same type of conditions)
The section name ("requirement_biome_1" in this case) is completely customizable as long as it does not conflict with the condition type name.
'!startWith':value1:'%player_name%'value2:'X'<- player names that are not starting with "X"advanced_requirement:type:'contains'value:value1:'%player_name%'value2:'_'<- player names that contain "_"advanced_requirement:type:'!equals'value:value1:'%player_name%'value2:'XiaoMoMi'<- player names that not equal "XiaoMoMi"advanced_requirement:type:'in-list'value:papi:'%player_name%'values: - 'XiaoMoMi' - 'XIAOMOMI' - 'XlA0M0Ml'
logic (Create complex conditions)
advanced_requirement:type:'&&'value:in-lava:truerequirement_time:type:timevalue: - 0~12000'||':world: - world_nether'&&':ypos: - -64~-32world: - world
potion-effect:"LUCK>=0"advanced_requirement:type:'potion-effect'value:"LUCK!=-1""-1":Player doesn't have such a potion effect"value no lower than 0":The potion effect's amplifierExamples:LUCK==1LUCK<5LUCK>=0