# blacklist channels
- Private
- Staff
# Default bubble to display if player's bubble is "none"
default-bubble: 'chat'
# Text format when bubble is "none"
start: '<gradient:#F5F5F5:#E1FFFF:#F5F5F5><u>'
end: '<!u></gradient>'
# Add additional prefix and suffix to the text
text-prefix: ''
text-suffix: ''
# Space between two bubbles
line-spacing: 0.4
# This decides where the bottom line is
bottom-line-Y-offset: 0.4
# This decides how long will the chat bubble remain (in seconds)
stay-time: 8
# Plugin would send another line of bubble if the text's length exceeds a certain value
characters-per-line: 30
# Plugin would ignore player's chat message when its length is over a certain value
max-character-length: 100
# Cool down (seconds)
cool-down: 1