

Nameplate is made up of three parts: left middle and right. The left and right parts will be distributed on both sides of the player name, while the middle part will copy itself to fit the length of the player name.

Add a new nameplate configuration

Nameplate config contains 3 images and a YAML config file.

name-color: WHITE
display-name: Sad Cat
  image: cat_left
  height: 16
  ascent: 12
  width: 16
  image: cat_middle
  height: 16
  ascent: 12
  width: 16
  image: cat_right
  height: 16
  ascent: 12
  width: 16

name-color: **Only works in team mode** Only support legacy colors due to minecraft team limitation

display-name: The nameplate's display name in chat box


  • height: The height of the character, measured in pixels. Can be negative. This tag is separate from the area used in the source texture and just rescales the displayed result.

  • ascent: The ascent of the character, measured in pixels. This value adds a vertical shift to the displayed result.

  • width: The width of the character, measured in pixels. This would not affect the size of the image but is an important part of how the plugin works

Note: In default config, nameplate images are all square, but it's not really needed to be sqaure.

Custom color format is only available when you are using Unlimited mode You can also use <gradient:#RRGGBB:#GGBBRR> in this option

name-color: CUSTOM
name-prefix: '<#RRGGBB>'
name-suffix: '</#RRGGBB>'
display-name: Sad Cat
  image: cat_left
  height: 16
  ascent: 12
  width: 16
  image: cat_middle
  height: 16
  ascent: 12
  width: 16
  image: cat_right
  height: 16
  ascent: 12
  width: 16


# Team / Unlimited / Disable
mode: TEAM

# The duration (in seconds) that the nameplate preview will last for.
preview-duration: 5

# Default nameplate to display if player's nameplate is "none"
default-nameplate: 'none'

# This decides what %nameplates_prefix/suffix% would return
  refresh-frequency: 10
  prefix: ''
  player-name: '%player_name%'
  suffix: ''
  # Disable this if you are using a custom Tab plugin
  fix-Tab: true

# Settings for Team mode
  # measured in ticks
  refresh-frequency: 10
  prefix: '%nameplates_prefix%'
  suffix: '%nameplates_suffix%'

# Settings for Unlimited mode
    # The texts to display
    text: '%nameplates_nametag%'
    # Verticle offset of the fake entity
    vertical-offset: -1
    # Conditions (Owner side)
      potion-effect: "INVISIBILITY<0"
    # Conditions (Viewer side)
    viewer-conditions: { }
    text: "IP: %player_ip%  My IP: %viewer_player_ip%"  # If a placeholder starts with "%viewer_", it would display the viewer's. 
    vertical-offset: -0.7
    refresh-frequency: 10  # Decides the frequency of the text refreshing
    check-frequency: 20    # Decides the frequency of the condition check
      potion-effect: "INVISIBILITY<0"
        type: permission
        value: 'nameplates.admin'

Last updated