Mode Three

The fish will struggle. During the struggle, the tension of the fishing line will increase sharply. Fishing will fail if the tension of the fishing line reaches its peak.

game-type: 3

title: '{strain}'

subtitle: font: 'customfishing:default' bar: '뀓' fish: '뀎' struggling-fish: - 뀑 - 뀐 - 뀑 - 뀒 arguments: bar-effective-area-width: 218 # The effective area of the main bar 主捕鱼条的有效区域宽度

fish-offset: -221 # The offset chars to make the fish at the left side of the bar when fish-start-position is zero 让鱼在初始位置为0时平移到捕鱼条最左端的偏移字符量 fish-start-position: 170 # The start position of the fish 鱼的初始距离 fish-icon-width: 8 # The width of the fish icon 鱼图标的宽度 success-position: 21 # The position to succeed 捕鱼成功的距离

# Strain images 鱼竿张力图片 strain: - 뀑 - 뀒 - 뀓 - 뀔

# Advenced-arguments 高级参数
ultimate-strain: 50   极限拉应力
normal-pull-strain-increase: 1   普通拉杆应力增加
struggling-strain-increase: 2   挣扎拉杆应力增加
loosening-strain-loss: 2    放松应力损失

Last updated