Custom Placeholders

How it works?

Plugin doesn't know where the background is put and what should be shown unless you told it. So there's a config file called custom-papi.yml in the plugin data folder.


    text: 'Hello! %player_name%'
    background: bedrock_1

placeholder: %nameplates_bg_player%

text: The text to be put in the background

background: background config name


    text: '%player_name% Trick or Treat!'
    nameplate: halloween

placeholder: %nameplates_npp_halloween% %nameplates_nps_halloween%

text: The text to be put in the nameplate

nameplate: nameplate config name

Static text:

    text: '%xconomy_balance%'
    static: 185

placeholder: %nameplates_static_money%

If the text's total width is 40, this papi would return offset characters with width 145

pageExample 1: Simple Money hud

Last updated