Effect System

The effect system allows you to customize some unique items to give players unique fishing effects.

Effects can be used almost everywhere: Rods/Baits/Enchants/Totems/Utils

效果几乎可以用于任何的地方: 鱼竿/鱼饵/附魔/图腾


Adds the relative chance of getting a specified group's fish 改变获取某组鱼的相对概率,加算

Rod (weight-add: 30) + Baits(weight-add: -20) = 10


Multiply the relative chance of getting a specified group's fish 改变获取某组鱼的相对概率,乘算

Rod (weight-multiply: 1.2) + Baits(weight-multiply: 1.2) = 1.4 = (1 + 0.2 + 0.2)


increase or decrease the time for a bobber to be hooked 改变上鱼的时间,<1缩短时间,>1延长时间 If time is lower than 1, you will wait less time for the bobber to be hooked If time is higher than 1, you will wait more time

Rod (time: 1.5) + Baits(time: 0.7) = 1.2 = (1 + 0.5 - 0.3)


increase or decrease the fishing game difficulty 改变钓鱼的难度 Rod (difficulty: -2) If a fish's original difficulty is 5, after applying the effects of rod, its difficulty would be 3 如果初始难度是5,应用鱼竿效果后难度变成3


increase or decrease the double loot chance(0-1) 改变双倍掉落的概率(0-1)

Rod (double-loot: 0.1) + Totems(double-loot: 0.2) + Baits(double-loot: 0.3) = 0.6


increase or decrease the score in the competition (Only takes effect when the competition objective is TOTAL_SCORE) 改变比赛时获取的得分

Rod (score: 1.2) + Totems(score: 1.5) = 1.7 = 1 + 0.2 + 0.5 If a fish's original score is 10, after applying the effects of rod and totem, its score would be 17 如果一个鱼的初始分数是10,应用鱼竿和图腾效果后,变成了17


increase or decrease the size of fish

Rod (size-multiply: 1.2) + Totems(size-multiply: 1.3) = 1.5 = 1 + 0.2 + 0.3 改变钓到的鱼的尺寸 If a fish's original size is 10cm, after applying the effects of rod and totem, its size would be 15cm 如果一个鱼的初始长度是10厘米,应用鱼竿和图腾效果后,变成了15厘米


enable the rod to fish in the lava (Lava fishing requires at least one item has lava-fishing effect) 允许鱼竿在岩浆中钓鱼

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