First time installation issues

Dependencies of the plugin

ProtocolLib PlaceholderAPI

How to get the resource pack?

The resource is automatically generated and it's located at /plugins/CustomNameplates/ResourcePack

You need to reinstall the resourcepack when you reload the plugin

I can't see the nameplate

There are many plugins using team to make Tab list. So some plugins are not compatible with CustomNameplates' Team mode. If you don't use team mode, don't worry about it, just set player's name tag invisible in that plugin.


Solution: Disable Nameplates module in Modules.yml and set DisableTeamManagement: true in config.yml. Then restart the server.


Solution: enable TAB hook in config.yml. If you are using armor_stand mode, set scoreboard-teams.invisible-nametags: true in TAB's config.yml

Console spam

If you meet this, please install Placeholder player expansion (Or use command /papi ecloud download Player) because default config contains those placeholders.

Nameplate is longer than player's name

install Placeholder player expansion

Remove shadow (Shaders) not work

This is probably caused by a shader conflict. If you are using ItemsAdder, set effects.text-effects.enable: false in ItemsAdder config.yml. If this not help and you are confirmed that there exist a shader conflict, you have to merge the shader manually.

Yellow bossbars not erased

set resource-pack.extract-bar-image: true in config.yml and reinstall your resourcepack

How can I Use ItemsAdder images


Last updated