Add a new bar

Note: This requires a good understanding of font, if you have problems, get help in Discord. We can help you config brand-new bars if you have verified your purchase.

  range: 16
  title: '<#B22222>RED!'
    start: '<font:customfishing:default>'
    # unicodes are not in minecraft:default font
    # So they would not affect player's chatting
    bar: '뀋'
    pointer_offset: '넂'
    pointer: '뀁'
    offset: '넀'
    end: '</font>'
    # success rate of each setion
    # 1 = 100%
    # 0.5 = 50%
    1: 1
    2: 0
    3: 0
    4: 0
    5: 0
    6: 0
    7: 0

Bar unicodes = start + bar + pointerOffset + (offset * progress) + pointer + (offset * (bar length - progress)) + end

range = width of each section = 16pixels

left part of the pointer = 2pixels

right border = 4


(range * layout amount + right border + 1) + blank height +1 + left part of the pointer+1 = 0

(16*7 + 4 + 1) + blank height + 1 + 1 + 2 = 0 -> blank height =-121

Last updated