Migration Guide

Migrate your configs and data from 1.2 to 1.3

If you are using MySQL to store fishing bag data. Do as follows 使用MySQL的用户须知 1. stopping the server 关闭服务器 2. replace the old jar with the new one 更新插件 3. start the server and then stop 重启后再次关闭服务器 4. edit your database.yml and set migration: true 修改database.yml并设置 migration 为 true 5. start your server 启动服务器 6. If the console print "Table updated", migration is done 当后台显示绿色的 "Table updated" 时,迁移即为完成

Other config files 其他配置文件 Drag them into the new folders and everything would work well! 对于其他的配置文件只需要按照上方的图,放入相应的文件夹即可

For old modifier system, replace "modifier" with "effect". 对于旧的增益系统,只需要将modifier改成effect即可

For fishing bars you need to make some changes, you can get them in Technical changes. If you have problems migrating old bars, you can get new configs in /bars folder and make changes by referring to them. If you still have problems, open a thread in Discord #support channel. 对于捕鱼条,需要做出一些改变。你可以参考新的配置文件和下方的指南进行迁移,如果还有问题可以在售后群内提问或者私聊群主。

Technical changes 技术更新

pageCreate a new bar

Last updated